Storming away

So in the midst of here and there
now and then
the inner voice of my head
pushes words out of my mouth
wrings letters out of my fingers

thank you ugly souls
you know who you are
out there pretending to be beautiful
thanks for hurting me so deeply
thanks for creating that sad puppet show
leaving me breathless, speachless, tired

thank you desperate and lost souls
you know who you are
stepping decently on my head
garnering my tears as a sick guerdon
leaving my eyes dry
turning my lacrimals into Sahara

Thank you people that enjoyed hurting me
you called the storm
into my lonesome days
and yet I became the storm
strong, powerful, inevitable

thanks to you monsters
in the midst of now and then
I rise joyful, beautiful and pure
storming out to the sea
storming away from you
jumping freely into the void
waving to my new paradise